Includes only analytes commonly measured in dogs and cats. Note: Proportion is abbreviated P, and Hemoglobin is abbreviated Hb. SI” or conventional laboratory units ? Conversion factors for haemoglobin (Hb).
Although a uniform system using SI units was introduced by the WHO back. This IDMS-traceable MDRD study equation calculator should be used when Scr is . Low creatinine clearance levels can indicate serious kidney damage, while. The formula in this calculator is applicable only if the serum creatinine is stable. Hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS). The conversion of the conventional unit to SI unit requires a multiplication with the.
DISCLAIMER: INFORMATION YOU RECORD ON THIS PAGE IS NOT SAVED OR STORED . Conventional units to SI units - conversion factors. Creatinine methods recalibrated to be traceable to IDMS. For persons under years of age, use the pediatric GFR calculator. Creatine kinase (CK, CPK) - Males (race dependent).
Calculator : Child Pugh score for severity of liver disease (SI units ). When muscles work har they convert creatine into creatinine. Check what units are being used if a creatinine value seems impossibly high . Plasma creatinine (PCR) mg/dL umol/L. The relationship of urea and creatine is dependent on serum laboratory units used to determine the cause of acute kidney injury.